Civ 5 Science Agreement

Civilization 5 is a popular turn-based strategy game where players aim to build and advance their empire through various means such as technology, diplomacy, and warfare. One important aspect of the game is science, and players must invest in science to unlock new technologies and advance their civilization.

One way to boost science in Civ 5 is through science agreements with other civilizations. A science agreement is a diplomatic agreement where two civilizations agree to share their scientific knowledge with each other. This can be a powerful tool for both civilizations as it allows them to advance their research at a faster rate.

To initiate a science agreement, players must have a certain level of diplomacy with the other civilization and have already researched Writing and Education technologies. Then, they can propose the agreement through the diplomacy menu. If the other civilization accepts, the players will start sharing their scientific knowledge and receive a boost to their research.

It is important to note that science agreements have some limitations. For example, they only last for a certain amount of turns, and the amount of knowledge shared is limited based on the respective civilization`s technology level. Additionally, if one civilization breaks the agreement by attacking the other, then the agreement will immediately end and both civilizations will suffer a diplomatic penalty.

Despite these limitations, science agreements can be a great way to accelerate research and gain an advantage over other civilizations. Players should prioritize diplomacy with civilizations that have advanced science and look for opportunities to propose science agreements.

In conclusion, science agreements are an important tool in Civilization 5 for advancing scientific research and gaining an edge over other civilizations. As a player, it is essential to understand the mechanics of science agreements and use them strategically to achieve victory.

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